martes, 14 de febrero de 2017

Give me a shrug

I made one of this nice piece for my mother.... in hers version the sleeves and the shruga wew made out of a  sheer net.  The Give me a shrug pattern it is elegant and quite easy to do. It did not deceived me....
this is the result ... Hope you like it as much as I do .

jueves, 9 de febrero de 2017

Another Plantain

The most sewn pattern until now... and the winner is... Plantain tee, of course. 

scraps busting.... ;-P and this is the result, nice uh?

lunes, 6 de febrero de 2017

Useful Undies

It is so easy whip up some underwear and it helps reducind  scraps too.  
I had already sewn Giselle panties and Gia Thong, and when I need more undies the thing that I use to do is fishing som nice fabric from the scraps bag and playng a bit tetris and in half an hour voilà.... brand  new panties.

And of course a Clara camisole......if I feel like..